Remote Possibilities
At the beginning of our mandated sheltering-in-place as COVID19 spread through New York, I was stumped at how I could continue to bring the content of eurythmy to my students through an online platform. So much of what I do in group classes of eurythmy as well as individual eurythmy therapy sessions has to do with creating a space where with great presence we can enter into the archetypal movements of the human being through art and developmentally appropriate exercises. The results of this work: decreased anxiety, deep breathing, and a general balancing of energetic, emotional, and physical parts of the human being. These activities can’t be simulated through a screen.
It was clear that I would need to find alternative ways to work with students and their families on the Zoom platform which would meet the students and also use the best online tools to create varied experiences. While recognizing that many families struggled with their new rhythms helping their children along with maintaining their own jobs, I found that this time on Zoom offered me several gifts.
The first gift was learning how to work with the computer and the internet in ways that empowered learning. I worked with creating lesson plans that included visual images, music, poetry, stories, and videos. I found ways to teach subjects related to eurythmy that could enhance understanding and experience of geometry (often moved in eurythmy) and imagination (also an important element in imbuing gesture with meaning). I tried to find the best of what online could offer and attempt to master it, rather than be mastered by the medium.
The second gift that I was given through this experience was the chance to teach a subject outside of eurythmy. Long ago I trained to be a Waldorf teacher. After a year of teaching, I studied eurythmy. I never imagined that I would teach another subject! When faced with the need for more online classes I was inspired to work with astronomy, a subject that would allow the students and their families to connect with the natural world and look up and be inspired by the heavens during this stressful time. I didn’ realize how much I would enjoy diving into another topic and teaching something new!
Image from Astronomy Class
The third and most important gift was getting to know the parents of some of the students that I was working with. Several parents were able to learn how to do some eurythmy therapy with their child at home. Other parents attended astronomy with their child. I was able to learn from them as well as share beautiful messages, thoughts, and images with them. This element of the time online with parents has been irreplaceable, and one that I am deeply grateful for. I also was able to see parents interact with their children –– a rare opportunity to experience these beautiful relationships.
While I am still joyfully teaching classes online this summer, nothing can replace meeting face to face! I am looking forward to meeting everyone again in person in the fall.
Images from 5th grade remote eurythmy: consonant riddles